miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007

Finde en Grabbestad

---Spanish version---

El pasado finde del 17 y 18 de noviembre estuvimos en goteborg viendo el museo de VOLVO, un poco paridilla pero bueno vimos varios coches super chulos... entre ellos el V50 q conduje para ir a OSLO... era igualito, super wapo.

Lo bueno llegaba despues, nos fuimos a Grabbestad, un par de horas mas al norte, habia nieve en las proximidades y llegamos a un hotel que tenia una pinta cojonuda, tenia PISCINA CUBIERTA CLIMATIZADA. Llegamos a las habitaciones y eran casitas de 5 personas super chulas y rápidamente nos fuimos a la piscina a echarnos unas birritas... Era una especie de aqua park pequeño tremendisimo en el que estuvimos 4 horas hasta que llego la hora de la cena de navidad sueca que era un buffet libre, no se que tenia q ver con navidad jajaja.

Despues de la cena y casi sin descanso empezamos a beber como cerdos, que nos llevamos una botella de vodka javi y otra yo asi que habia de sobra, estuvimos bailando hasta que nos echaron de la fiesta del hotel por liarla jejej. Antes de eso, Sander y yo nos metimos en pelotas en la piscina cubierta a las 2 de la mañana, era ilegal claro esta jeje.

---English version---

Last 17th of November we spent the weekend out of Halmstad, it was a really nice one, since we arrived VOLVO museum early in the morning. It didnt have too many interesting things but there were some pretty cars, specially the V50, the one i drove way to oslo ;)

But one of the best things was just starting. We arrived Grabbestad, a little north located town in Sweden with a bit of snow close to it and in the hotel we were going to sleep there were an awesome indoor conditioned swimming pool. The acomodation was great ... we had little houses for 5,6 persons each one, but we needed to try the pool and drink a few beers in there. It was like a tremendous mini aqua-park and we spent 4 hours jumping on the slides till the dinner time, which was the typical swedish christmas, or maybe just a free buffet (all you can eat).

After the dinner we just suddenly started to drink and made a party in the hotel until they kicked us out because we were noisy....and also because Sander and I were swimming naked on the conditioned pool and some people wanted to follow us haha :)

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